A Bear In A Bag

By Truffle McFurry

(Illustration by Miki de Goodaboom)

Hallo everybody!

It’s me, your friend Truffle! I told you before, my Mom Miki, Ann la Mar and me we are very busy writing a book about our travel together in Yorkshire. It will be a great book, with many images done by Miki.

We will show you the images before the book is published, but we won’t tell anything about them. If we did, there would be no surprise then, when the book comes out. It would not be fun!

Here it’s me, stuck in my travelling bag in which Miki carries me around when we travel. In the book I will tell you about my thoughts and adventures in that bag!

Take care, love you all!





A Bibliophile Teddy Bear In Great Ayton

By Truffle McFurry

(Illustration by Miki de Goodaboom)

Hallo everybody!

My Mom Miki and me have just come back from an exploring and painting trip through North Yorkshire in England. We had been invited by our amazing “Go Teddy!”‘s reporter Ann La Mar. She was the best guide ever, she knew every little corner and road, and she showed us so many beautiful things!

It was so exciting that Miki, Ann and Me have decided to write a book together about our adventures there. I cannot tell you much now, because if I did, you would not want to buy the book, and you need to buy it, because I want it to become a best-seller” I need serious pocket money, but I cannot tell you why now!

I saw that funny bear with the golden glasses in a shop in Great Ayton, where Captain Cook went to school. That bear was a “bibliophile” (Miki told me!), somebody who loves books. I love that word, and I will use it very often, because it is the best way to learn it for ever! I am a bibliophile too, I love books, but I don’t really love reading, I prefer when my Mom reads out loud for me!

Love you all, take care! xx


Ursus Arctos

By Ursus Arctos

(Illustration by Miki de Goodaboom based on photographs by “Go  Teddys!” s new reporter “Jo du Nor”)

I am Ursus Arctos, from Balkans… Many years ago, as I was a young orphan baby due to this terrible period , I met Joël (alias Jo du Nor), a PeaceKeeper in Sarajevo and we became closed friends. One day, he said to me that he really missed his wife. As I did not know France, I proposed to him to make a surprise to her wife by bringing her a message.
I remember how she cried when I knocked on her door…

It was a very long trip and as you can see on the photo, I damaged my left foot and his lovely wife, having looked after me, decided not to let me going back home and she adopted me !

Now, I lived in France with my new family and I love them so much that they love me…


PS (by Miki de Goodaboom): I have very recently learnt that a person who is very fond of and is usually a collector of Teddy Bears is called “an arctophile” (from Greek “arktos”, bear)


I want to thank Jo du Nor, from the bottom of mu heart, for sharing that wonderful bear and his so special story with us…



Petipa, Capuchon and Clopin-Clopan

By Truffle McFurry and Nelle La Belle

(Illustration by Miki de Goodaboom)

Hi , Teddy Bear friends, Truffle here back online with some new bears from “Nelle La Belle” family!

Last time it was Effiloche and Petichourose. Today Nelle asked me to present you:

  • Petitpa (“Little Step”)
  • Capuchon (“Little Hoodie”)
  • Clopin-Clopan (“Hobbly”)

I have translated as good as I can, but really, the French names are so much prettier!


Here what Nelle wrote to me about their story:

“… Petipa lived in the same English shop as Effiloche. She seemed bored and above all, she was lost in the middle of trinkets. She reached out to me..

… Capuchon: his story is sad He was in a huge display case, all alone… impossible to leave him there!

… Clopinclopan was offered to me in a store. I saved him through several moves, but he lost a foot on the way.…”

They are all so pretty and touching, but here, on planet Goodaboom, we have a very special feeling for poor Clopin-Clopan… we just adore him, he is so funny, and we hope he does not suffer too much without his foot. But I am sure that Nelle and her family are taking much care of him!

Petipa And Capucho And Clopin Clopan S

Effiloche And Petichourose

By Truffle McFurry and Nelle La Belle

(Illustration by Miki de Goodaboom)


Hallo, Truffle here, introducing you to new couisns from France!

The other day Nelle La Belle -By the way, it is my who invented her pen name for “Go Teddy!”, I find it beautiful and she loves it too!- sent me photographs of some of her bears.

On one of them are these two amazing bears, called “Effiloché” (The big one) and “Petichourose”(the little pink one). It sounds so poetic and so funny! I know a bit of French, but I had to ask my Mom what “éffiloché” and “Petichourose” means. She said:

“Effiloché means something like fluffly… and Petichourose something like little pink cutie…”

Now this is good. “Fluffly” is a very nice word. My Auntie Ann has even got a bear called “Fluffle”! And Little Pink Cutie is a great name for the little one.

Nelle la Belle told me the story:

“… Effiloché was abandoned in an English boutique type store (hard to describe the style, I think it‘s English. He gave me a look so full of kindness that he melt my heart.  And as soon as I touched him, it was over, he had to come back with me :).  As well as being beautiful, he is o soft! As he is the biggest of the entire family, it’s almost natural that he takes care of Petichourose, which is the smallest of the family…”

Welcome to our family, Effiloché and Petichourose,  we already love you so much!

Effiloche Et Petichourose S


By Truffle McFurry and Mahé The Free

(Illustration by Miki de Goodaboom)

Hallo Everybody, Truffle writing here, with great news front the front!

While I was on a painting and football trip in Portugal with my parents, our new reporter at “Go Teddy!”, Mahé The Free, from France, was herself on a mission in Ireland. In the town of Dingle she met an Irish beautiful girl bear. They spoke a lot with each other and Mahé told her about me, and showed her images of me. Dingle was so excited that she said:

“I want to go and live with Truffle on Planet Goodaboom!”

So Mahé took her back to France, and from there sent her to us. She arrived 2 days ago. We were not expecting her so soon, it was such a wonderful surprise!

As she saw me, she got so excited that she hugged me all the time, and kissed me, and did not sop saying “Oh Truffle, oh my little Truffle!”. She has got a very lovely girly voice, and a funny Irish accent. She is a bit smaller than me, and very cute, and wears a beautiful green dress and a green bow on her head. She has got such a lovely little face!

I was a bit embarrassed though, with all these cuddles and hugs and admiration, and also it was very hot! But Dingle didn’t care, she kept hugging me and cuddling me the whole day. Then Miki put us in front of the air con and everything was ok.

At some point she noticed that I was wearing a football T-Shirt and she asked me if I loved footie, and I said yes, of course, and she told me that she loves it too. And we came into a deep discussion because she even knew some of my heroes, the Rams, who play for the national team of Ireland: Jeff Hendrick,  Richard Keogh and Cyrus Christie! It was so wonderful, I had never thought that such a fine elegant girl could know so much about football!

Yesterday Mahé sent us an email to tell us about Dingle’s departure from France.

“… I had installed Dingle comfortably in a shoebox, not very wide,  with much bubble wrap and I had made loads of small holes on the top of the box so that she could breathe all along her journey! I had closed laterally and in the middle and write your address in the half lower part of the shoe box.

I arrived at the post office and gave my pretty box to the postmistress. I know her well. She looked at me and asked gently:

“What is in there?”

I said the truth:

A little Teddy bear”.

And here she told me:
I do not advise you to make her leave like that, in a box with all these holes! Customs will open the box and think that it is about illegal animal traffic, something like that! In any case, they will open it!”
So I got Dingle out of her beautiful travel box travel and put her it into the  thick mailing envelope. I got a real pinch in the heart, I was afraid that she chokes!
I saw the look of people who lined up… one can imagine


I was really looking forward to hear that she has well-arrived. She is so endearing, so fragile! Truffle’s shoulders will surely protect her I wish them both much  happiness! 😘😵😘
.. .and please, take car that nobody hurts her, I do not trust guys!


Big kisses, tell her that I love her and please give me some news from time to time..  and tell her that her friends send kisses and hugs.
Isn’t it a an amazing story? I love it!
See you again soon, I hope, with other exciting news from The Teddy Bear World!
Dingle And Truffle McFurry S