My First Advent Calendar

By Truffle McFurry

(Illustration by Miki de Goodaboom)

I am so over the moon!

This year my parents have decided that I should have an advent calendar! So my Dad went to the nice big shop downstairs, “Home Sweet Home”, that shop where he had  adopted me almost 5 years ago now. And he got me a beautiful calendar, with a fabulous Santa on it and all the 24 doors.

So today I put on my nice Christmas cardigan, it was a gift from my Grand-Ma last year.  And then we three sat around the calendar and we opened the first door. It was a very important ceremony, and we took all the time of the world to do it.

Behind the door there was a very cute chocolate snowman. Better than what was behind Auntie Ann’s door: she got a Minion!

There was also the letter H, and a picture of a reindeer in the snow. It is very nice. I don’t know what the letter “H” means… perhaps it means “Happy”? I am certainly very HAPPY! Can’t wait to open the next door tomorrow!

Love you all

Take Care

Truffle xxx

Advent Calendar For Truffle McFurry S


PS: If you are interested in prints of this painting, they are available in many different sizes on paper, metal, canvas, wood, etc. Also on pillows, covers, phone cases, Tote bags, shower curtains, T-shirts, notebooks, towels and many more.  Just click on the painting, it will bring you to Miki de Goodaboom’s  online shop.